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Noah Rosenstein
Starting Member

7 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2012 :  18:30:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Found it! You first must go to Admin. Prefs and make the board private.
Thanks for all the help
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417 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2012 :  18:37:04  Show Profile Send RUlmer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Noah Rosenstein

On our board, there isn't the Authorize choice. The other choices are there. Where did you click to find this dialog? Please take a screen shot pointing oto where you found this dialog.

Thanks for the help.

Helping you and others is what I'm here for; you are welcome.

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Noah Rosenstein
Starting Member

7 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2012 :  18:48:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It would be very helpful if there was a choice to change all topics to authorize members only so you don't have to do each one separately.
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417 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2012 :  23:33:04  Show Profile Send RUlmer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Noah Rosenstein

It would be very helpful if there was a choice to change all topics to authorize members only so you don't have to do each one separately.

These are not topics. These are sub-forums; each have many topics to do with the sub-forum's they are created within.
We are talking about editing the properties of each forum, not each topic.
Have you created sub-forums within a category?

You can also create more categories, and create sub-forums within each category. But, if you don't change each forum's properties (the viewing "Auth") to something other than "All Visitors", the XML (news feeds) will allow people who are not signed in to read what's in the forum's that allow "All Visitors".

This happens even if your forum is a "Private" forum. The only way to stop the news feeds (XML option) is to change from the "All Visitors" of each sub-forum, to one of the other settings. You don't change the properties of Topics, you change the properties of the forums the topics are in. If the forum is changed, then all topics within it will also be auto-changed to something other than the "All Visitors" option.
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Noah Rosenstein
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Posted - 08/13/2012 :  23:35:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Okay, I now give up trying to protect the message board having posts being read by non-registered persons. I selected Authorize by members only (hidden). I still have Guests spending 12 minutes reading topics. I logged out and selected XML and, sure enough, I was able to read some of the posts. Is there anyway to keep this a private site? There must be some security setting I can make that will ensure our privacy.
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417 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2012 :  00:25:20  Show Profile Send RUlmer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Noah Rosenstein

Okay, I now give up trying to protect the message board .....

Yes, this is what I've been saying back to the start of my first post, in reference to changing the "Auth" type setting. "Auth" in this case is referring to who is authorized to view the topics within the sub-forum. It is not referring to who the Author of the forum is.

If you re-read my first post (on page one of this topic) maybe it can help you understand how to set your forum so as to stop the news feeds from showing what you are trying to protect non-members, and not logged in visitors, from reading your forum's post my clicking on the XML buttons..

Don't give up, I'll keep working with you until you get it set so the news feeds don't show any of your private forum's post via the XML option.

By the way, your easiest option is to choose the "Members Only' option. If you choose the "Allowed Members" option, then every time you have a new member you'd have to go back and change each sub-forum's properties "Allowed Members List", therefore adding the new member(s). This would have to be done every time your membership grows.

The "Hidden" options are for advanced settings, if you are trying to hide the sub-forums from some of your members, and maybe let only certain members view it. (For example; there are sub-forums on the main ForumCo entrance page, which are set to only allow moderators (and of course Admins) to view, or even see that they exist. You don't see them, and I don't ether (at least not until I'm logged in). They are there, and as a moderator of this forum, I can see them.

Just use, or set it to the "Members Only" option, instead of the "All Visitors" setting.

P.S. Don't worry about what the moderator can see that you can't. It's just topics where moderators can help each other, and the Admin can post something to us that regular members need not see or read.

Edited by - RUlmer on 08/14/2012 00:27:40
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417 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2012 :  09:08:57  Show Profile Send RUlmer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Noah, let's start over again. Maybe there is some areas that need be looked at; or maybe I'm not being clear in my explanations on attempts to help you.

First let's make sure you have some settings set correctly;
(Please note, not to forget to click the "Submit" button each time you make any changes.)

1. Using the Admin Options - on the "Feature Configuration" tab - set the "Private Forums" option to "ON";
click the "Submit New Config" button.

2. Also under the "Admin Options" - on the "Active Users Configuration" - set the "Allow Anonymous Members" option to "OFF"

3. On same tab as #2 above, set the Allow Active Users Page to "Registered Members" option.

4. In "Admin Options" - under "RSS-XML-Javascript-Syndication (Newsfeeds) section, also known as "Syndication Link Builder" - make sure you have the "Private Forum" option set to "NO". (this one can be misunderstood, because setting it to yes allows the XML feeds to also show the topics within a Private Forum.) So set it to "NO", if it is not already set to "NO".

5. From the main-top-page of your forum (not in "Admin Options") make sure each Sub-forum within each category is set to "Auth Type" - to "Members Only". This is what we've been taking about in the last few post I've made on this subject. You use the "Pencil" icon, which is the "Edit Forum Properties" tool, to set this option.

You should be ready to go, so;
Now that you've made the changes (if needed) that steps 5 above outline, sign out of your forum.
Now attempt to read any news feeds by clicking on one of the two "XML" buttons on the bottom of the page.

If you can still read some of the info you thought should be private, double-check to make sure you made the changes outlined above.
You'll still see the News Feed page, but it shouldn't be showing any post made from your forum(s).
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Noah Rosenstein
Starting Member

7 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2012 :  10:09:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
RUlmer, thanks for your patience. I went back and set authorize to members only. I reread your original post and believe that I have all settings as listed.

I will go through the list above and make sure I have my settings correct

I went through each item and I had each one correctly configured. I tried the XML link and was directed to the login page. Thanks so much for the help. We have the potential of having over 2500 registered members so I want to get this right - and secure. Appreciate the effort you made to assist.

Noah Rosenstein

Edited by - Noah Rosenstein on 08/14/2012 10:25:37
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417 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2012 :  12:55:58  Show Profile Send RUlmer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Noah Rosenstein

... We have the potential of having over 2500 registered members so I want to get this right ....
Noah Rosenstein

Just another thought, a TIP:
Because you are setting up a forum that has the potential of having such a large number of members, you might want to consider this. The more members, the more need for good moderators. Moderators should be chosen wisely. They help the Admin, and should aid in the process of ensuring a forum will run smooth. Being a Moderator has nothing to do with prestige, as many think it to mean, it has to do with doing a job.

Good moderators, who understand why they are moderators, and what they should or should not do, can help the Admin of the forum. Bad moderators can hurt the forum, go against the Admin's policies, and cause problems that cost the forum memberships.

Best wishes with your forum.

Edited by - RUlmer on 08/14/2012 12:59:04
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Noah Rosenstein
Starting Member

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Posted - 08/14/2012 :  13:02:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We are a very large retirement community and volunteerism is prized and rampant. I am fortunate to have two others as administrators and 4 very capable moderators. Your advice is well founded and I will start by creating a moderators handbook. We plan to assign specific topics to each moderator. Keeps them focused on their territory. We have 176 registered members but have only opened the site to Mac users. Next month, we will open it to all and that is 2500 Sun City Hilton Head Computer Club members. Should be interesting.
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Starting Member

3 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2012 :  13:10:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
RUImer, I work with Noah and I'm also an administrator of our message board. Noah is really the brains of the outfit, he's known around here as the Mac Doctor, or Guru!

Thank you for all your help. This is a wonderful example of how a good message board should be run.
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417 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2012 :  13:21:59  Show Profile Send RUlmer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hay! I'm retired. Can I join your forum?
(as if I don't already have enough to do)
But, your forum sounds like it would be very useful to anyone retired.

If so, just PM me the URL to your forum.
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