Apparently we are still having trouble with our subscriptions, both to the individual forums and threads. Is there something I can do in the control panel to fix this?
I sent an e-mail to my regular membership ID and it came threw right away. Thank you. If I see or hear of any more problems I will let you know. Is there something I should do with the subscriptions? Hope your New Year was spectacular.
Actually I think things have just gotten a bit worse. Subscriptions were working and only a few random people were having problems as in some getting notifications and not signed up for subscribing. Now I hear some are not getting them who are signed up.
Also when trying to change a members e-mail address I get this.
quote:There Was A Problem With The Details
* Your request was not sent due to the following error: The message could not be sent to the SMTP server. The transport error code was 0x80040217. The server response was not available
I am not sure what that means but I know you do. Thanks Padraic!
Today's report is that the subscriptions are not working again and anyone with a hotmail account can't get e-mail at all. Seems even other e-mail is messed up today.
Well it appears the fix did not work! I believe it is affecting our registrations, subscriptions and of course the inner e-mail via the forum. I've e-mailed myself and another member and nothing came through. Reports from my mods say the same. Sorry to deliver the bad report.
I'm getting emails all the time to gmail and yahoo addresses. The emails are being sent but I suspect some large domains may be blocking them because they have particular rules.
Can you PM me the email addresses of the recipients that do not get emails.
From our forum? I am not getting any and I was until recently. I have an AOL account. Also there are memberships sitting again in que not completed with hotmail, yahoo, gmail, att and perhaps a couple of others. It really appears it's not working on our forum. Will do on the PM