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Starting Member
 2 Posts |
Posted - 03/18/2010 : 12:47:56
Our forum is You must be logged in to see this link.
Have tried setting up the email notification for subscriptions. Have followed the tutorial with no luck. Set the subscriptions to on via ADMIN OPTIONS. (Set to Topic Level)
Do not get any choices on the screens to subscribe or to un-subscribe. Including do not get the option to subscribe like it is at the bottom of this post screen.
We can send emails to each other via the forum, but not any notifications.
Also, what is the email server addy? IE SMTP addy?
Looking forward to your input!
Thank you! Rock
Starting Member

2 Posts |
Posted - 03/18/2010 : 14:00:00
Think may have solved this one...  Have to start at the top of the tree & work down. Kinda clumbsy, but it works.
Does bring up a few other questions...
Can I set all members to susbscribe & then have them UN-subscribe as they see fit? Can you set-up the ADMIN to be able to email all without having to log-in as SUPERADMIN?
Thanks! Rock 

417 Posts |
Posted - 03/21/2010 : 12:14:02
Under the right column , within the Admin Options section is the option for Admins to email all of their forum members with the single (same) email. I might be wrong, but I thought any Admin could access the Admin Options of a forum. Although there are certain things a "sub" Admin can't change or undo, things that only a Super Admin has the options or power to do; I was thinking that the sub-Admin(s) were able log into the Admin Options.
That being said, I don't recommend that a forum have a sub-Admin. Moderators, yes; sub-Admin, no. You'll find my reasons for saying this by doing a search on such a topic within these help forums.
By default the forum options are not "auto set" to allow a "regular" member to mass email all forum members by a single action. This prevents any member from sending emails out to everyone at one time. An option, such as that, could become almost like a SPAM type situation; especially if your forum is an open-forum that just anyone can join. It is a useful tool that the Admin can use to mail everyone at once, but its design isn't for mass emailing by just any member.
As far as setting other members to auto-receive subscriptions, you might get a few complaints from some of your forum members. And you may even lose a few members if all the extra email upsets them; extra emails that they will receive because of it. (This is just my opinion, but such type problems have happened before on forums that I've helped Admins with.)
Hope this helps you.  |
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