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 Authenticating new members?
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Dave Altman
Starting Member

44 Posts

Posted - 11/02/2009 :  09:04:45  Show Profile  Visit Dave Altman's Homepage  Reply with Quote
What, if any, are the differences between authenticating new members or making their account active? Do they get notified differently? Is one method better than the other?

Dave Altman
Administrator of the Anthony Gatto Juggling Talk Forum


417 Posts

Posted - 11/03/2009 :  06:19:33  Show Profile Send RUlmer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dave Altman

What, if any, are the differences between authenticating new members or making their account active? Do they get notified differently? Is one method better than the other?

There is a big difference;
If you okay (authenticate) a new member, the person requesting the membership still has to follow the instructions of the "Auto confirmation email" that is sent out after you okayed the membership.

If you "Activate" the new membership request, the person immediately becomes a member of the forum at that moment; by-passing the "Confirmation email" process.
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Dave Altman
Starting Member

44 Posts

Posted - 11/03/2009 :  07:24:59  Show Profile  Visit Dave Altman's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Okay, that is what I thought, but, does activating a member put the security of the forum in jeopardy for some reason? Authenticating just makes sure that the person at that email wants to become a member and that it's a valid email, right? If there is no big reason not to, I don't mind activating them, if it makes it easier for them. As far as I know, I don't think we've had any problems. I don't know if them not having to confirm confuses the new members or not?

Dave Altman
Administrator of the Anthony Gatto Juggling Talk Forum
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417 Posts

Posted - 11/03/2009 :  08:17:02  Show Profile Send RUlmer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dave Altman

Okay, that is what I thought, but, does activating a member put the security of the forum in jeopardy for some reason? Authenticating just makes sure that the person at that email wants to become a member and that it's a valid email, right? If there is no big reason not to, I don't mind activating them, if it makes it easier for them. As far as I know, I don't think we've had any problems. I don't know if them not having to confirm confuses the new members or not?

I don't "Activate" a person's request for membership unless I know a little about who the person is. It is best, for security reasons to have, or require, the person requesting the membership confirm that they are who they say they are; and that the email they listed (as theirs) is a legitimate email address. This will help you keep "undesirables" from having access to your forum.

Failure to allow the "Confirmation email" to do what is supposed to do, can open your forum up to SPAM, or persons joining up with the intent of obtaining email addresses and other personal information from your membership list.

However, if I know that the request is a person I want, or know to be "Legit", I sometimes 'fast-forward' the process by activating the membership request. I then quickly send an email to the person letting them know that they can ignore any confirmation email (should they receive one) and that they are now a member of the forum.

It is really up to you how you handle this; but I think all Admins have some responsibility to protect their members and their forums from any undesirables having access to the forum.
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417 Posts

Posted - 11/03/2009 :  11:06:47  Show Profile Send RUlmer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I might add this;
Sometimes, the 'Auto Confirmation Email' gets thrown into the requesting members email program's "Junk" or SPAM folders. Often, when that happens the person requesting the membership does not realize the email was received and they therefore don't follow-up with the requirement in order to become a member. Should that happen, if the Admin knows about the person having a problem becoming a member, they can simply "Activate" the membership for the new member.
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