As an administrator of a free forum at Forumco, can I add new members to the forum without they explicitly adding themselves?
The problem is that some members whom I would like to be part of the forum either have strict email filters (that filter out welcome/registration emails from forumco) or are behind proxies that prevent them from accessing the forum. Other potential members are plain lazy :-)
In any case, I'd like to explicitly register them myself. Is there any way to do that?
Just register their info as you were them. Then sign in as the Admin of your forum. You will see the usual "Members waiting for approval". Sign into the "Admin options" and "Approve" the membership (s).
NOTE: You must place a "Check" in the box by the awaiting member's username, and "Click" the "Activate Account" option of the member. This will bypass the confirmation email requirement.
Then send the member (by email outside of the forum's email) the password and username you chose for them to use.
Have the member sign in and "Edit" his account; and change their password to something else, should he wish that you not know it.
If they are that "Lazy", you might have to send them the URL for them to log in. You might even have to post for them. (Sorry the Devil made me make that last statement. )