I have been trying to add avatars to profiles and haven't been able to master it... I use photobucket to host my pictures. The other forums I've tried allowed avatars 120 X 80 but this new forum is offering a smaller size ... Could the reason be that they are not taking because they are larger in size ? Is there any information that I can read that explains the proper way to add an avatar to a profile... ?
Although it is best that the image (avatar) be the actual size in pixels that you have set as the default size to be used on your forum, the avatar should still be loading and showing up in your member’s post, etc. even if it is a different actual size.
Did you edit the member’s profile after you uploaded the new avatar for the member, choosing that avatar as the member’s choice? If not, then this would be why it has failed to appear by the member’s post.
If that is not the problem post back, we’ll get this figured out for you.