Is it neccessary that the videos be unwatchable to those who are not logged in?
I'm trying to make my forum(s) appealing to non-members to encourage them to join, but at the moment they get a discouraging notice saying they have to be logged in to able to see the very thing that would make them want to register.
How can they know it's what they want to use unless they can see it?
We still need those new video sizes too. The current defaults are way too small. I wanted to post the following, but it didn't fit, so I re-encoded it, and now the writing's illegible.
You've resized YouTube and GoogleVideo - brilliant! (When? And why didn't you say anything here?)
So, uh, what about WMV Quicktime and Flash...?
You can see the difference in sizes on page one of this thread and the increase in quality (and likewise the opposite with the Quicktime here above). It makes such a difference to the experience the end user gets.