I have a site too and it's so dead people go there take a look and leave every five minutes. Anyway here's the link You must be logged in to see this link. If anybody and I mean anybody role play come here.
My forum is fairly new, it currently has 29 members.
It is for people interested in hoarding copper (pre-1982) US cents for their copper content. One copper cent currently contains 2.5 cents worth of copper.
There is also a forum about precious metals; gold, silver, etc.
Hi all, im NOT sure if i would get memebers from here... But i have a forum called Loving A Convict You must be logged in to see this link. Do you have a loved or a friend, family memember that is in prison/jail/halfway houses? then this Forum is for YOU Its a forum for Support&& Info.. and just meet others like you! we have ALOT of fun so far, we just got it started...
You WILL Never be judged!! But i will NOT tolerate any Abuse from anyone on my forums :)
You must be logged in to see this link. I'm looking for members and guest too, My forum is a general forum there's only a couple of active members right now So I'd appreciate if you would drop by and leave a comment.
i am also looking for members if anyone wants to join a health, diet, bodybuilding and ftness related forum click here :) You must be logged in to see this link.