Not today so far, although I have only been home from work for a short time. Again it could have been on my never knows, or at least I don't know.
My forum is also VERY slow these days. I have had several complaints already! It's an advert free forum so it's a bit of a pain when that happens. Hope you guys can help sort it out! Is there anything that I could be doing wrong? It's not the first time that the forum is almost not accessible du to the slowness!
we are very slow again apparently and some members are having quite a bit of problems. i have done maintenance today on the private messages boxes and that worked, but i am not able to archive the forums. i have tried the group, a few at a time and now single forums, still now luck.
i did look for archiving topic here but could not find it. it's probably right under my nose and i am missing it.